
Our Story

A Magical Gift From Nature.

Since 2004, we have been deeply moved and inspired by the energy embodied in the seed, where the essential oil is extracted from. It is said the essential oil is natured by the holistic efforts from the wind, the rain, the earth and as well as the people.

Today, the product we delivered is the essence of the nature in the form of oil to heal the mind and the body. "As the initial intention, we continue to convey the power of the earth. In Enlighten, we could lead our clients into a more balanced and harmonious state through the nature products and treatments. "


Our Mission



"Only by choosing the fine products, you would look forward to before obtaining them and cherish them dearly after recieving them. Understanding the value of aromatheray and knowing the efforts put in for gaining every drop of the essential oil are crucial. Only by deeply understanding and being grateful could lead us to the road of happiness."



"The body is a small ecological circle. What is kind to the body is naturally friendly to the environment. We carefully consider the impact of each product on the environment. Being an environmental friendly corporation is the key mindset with careful selection and deployment."


Social Responsibility

Improving quality of life means valuing individual efforts, respecting collective endeavors, and ensuring fair profits in both production and consumption. We aim for a socially responsible consumer culture that embodies compassion and environmental friendliness.